Rankups Feature Explanation
Introduction to Rankups
Brief overview of what rankups are and how they function on your server. Mention that rankups are achieved by spending in-game money and offer various perks and benefits.
Name | Money | XP | Rewards | Name | Money | XP | Rewards | Name | Money | XP | Rewards | Name | Money | XP | Rewards | ||||
Level 1 | 25000 | 100 |
Level 26 | 800000 | 725 |
51 | Level 51 | 2600000 | 1250 |
Level 76 | 7000000 | 1875 |
| |||
Level 2 | 50000 | 125 |
Level 27 | 850000 | 750 |
52 | Level 52 | 2700000 | 1275 |
Level 77 | 7250000 | 1900 |
| |||
Level 3 | 75000 | 150 |
Level 28 | 900000 | 775 |
53 | Level 53 | 2800000 | 1300 |
Level 78 | 7500000 | 1925 |
| |||
Level 4 | 100000 | 175 |
Level 29 | 950000 | 800 |
54 | Level 54 | 2400000 | 1325 |
Level 79 | 7750000 | 1950 |
| |||
Level 5 | 125000 | 200 |
Level 30 | 1000000 | 825 |
55 | Level 55 | 2500000 | 1350 |
Level 80 | 8000000 | 1975 |
| |||
Level 6 | 150000 | 225 |
Level 31 | 1050000 | 850 |
56 | Level 56 | 2600000 | 1375 |
Level 81 | 8500000 | 2000 |
| |||
Level 7 | 175000 | 250 |
Level 32 | 1100000 | 875 |
57 | Level 57 | 2700000 | 1400 |
Level 82 | 9000000 | 2025 |
| |||
Level 8 | 200000 | 275 |
Level 33 | 1150000 | 900 |
58 | Level 58 | 2800000 | 1425 |
Level 83 | 9500000 | 2050 |
| |||
Level 9 | 225000 | 300 |
Level 34 | 1200000 | 925 |
59 | Level 59 | 2900000 | 1450 |
Level 84 | 10000000 | 2075 |
| |||
Level 10 | 250000 | 325 |
Level 35 | 1250000 | 950 |
60 | Level 60 | 3000000 | 1475 |
Level 85 | 10500000 | 2100 |
| |||
Level 11 | 275000 | 350 |
Level 36 | 1300000 | 975 |
61 | Level 61 | 3250000 | 1500 |
Level 86 | 11000000 | 2125 |
| |||
Level 12 | 300000 | 375 |
Level 37 | 1350000 | 1000 |
62 | Level 62 | 3500000 | 1525 |
Level 87 | 11500000 | 2150 |
| |||
Level 13 | 325000 | 400 |
Level 38 | 1400000 | 1025 |
63 | Level 63 | 3750000 | 1550 |
Level 88 | 12000000 | 2175 |
| |||
Level 14 | 350000 | 425 |
Level 39 | 1450000 | 1050 |
64 | Level 64 | 4000000 | 1575 |
Level 89 | 12500000 | 2200 |
| |||
Level 15 | 375000 | 450 |
Level 40 | 1500000 | 1075 |
65 | Level 65 | 4250000 | 1600 |
Level 90 | 13000000 | 2225 |
| |||
Level 16 | 400000 | 475 |
Level 41 | 1600000 | 1000 |
66 | Level 66 | 4500000 | 1625 |
Level 91 | 13500000 | 2250 |
| |||
Level 17 | 425000 | 500 |
Level 42 | 1700000 | 1025 |
67 | Level 67 | 4750000 | 1650 |
Level 92 | 14000000 | 2275 |
| |||
Level 18 | 450000 | 525 |
Level 43 | 1800000 | 1050 |
68 | Level 68 | 5000000 | 1675 |
Level 93 | 14500000 | 2300 |
| |||
Level 19 | 475000 | 550 |
Level 44 | 1900000 | 1075 |
69 | Level 69 | 5250000 | 1700 |
Level 94 | 15000000 | 2325 |
| |||
Level 20 | 500000 | 575 |
Level 45 | 2000000 | 1100 |
70 | Level 70 | 5500000 | 1725 |
Level 95 | 15500000 | 2350 |
| |||
Level 21 | 550000 | 600 |
Level 46 | 2100000 | 1125 |
71 | Level 71 | 5750000 | 1750 |
Level 96 | 16000000 | 2375 |
| |||
Level 22 | 600000 | 625 |
Level 47 | 2200000 | 1150 |
72 | Level 72 | 6000000 | 1775 |
Level 97 | 16500000 | 2400 |
| |||
Level 23 | 650000 | 650 |
Level 48 | 2300000 | 1175 |
73 | Level 73 | 6250000 | 1800 |
Level 98 | 17000000 | 2425 |
| |||
Level 24 | 700000 | 675 |
Level 49 | 2400000 | 1200 |
74 | Level 74 | 6500000 | 1825 |
Level 99 | 17500000 | 2450 |
| |||
Level 25 | 750000 | 700 |
Level 50 | 2500000 | 1225 |
75 | Level 75 | 6750000 | 1850 |
Level 100 | 18000000 | 2500 |
Example Rankup Path
Provide an example rankup path to illustrate how players progress through the ranks. Show the cost and benefits of each rank, leading up to the highest rank available.
Special Rankup Features
Highlight any unique or special features associated with certain ranks. This could include access to exclusive areas, special commands, or custom items.
FAQs about Rankups
Address common questions players might have about rankups. Include information on how players can check their current rank, how often they can rank up, etc.
Player Testimonials
If available, include testimonials from players who have experienced the rankup system. This can add credibility and encourage other players to participate.
Promotion Strategies
Offer tips and strategies for players to earn in-game money more efficiently to rank up faster. This could involve participating in server events, completing quests, or engaging in specific activities.
Summarize the benefits of the rankup system and encourage players to explore it further. Provide links to other relevant pages, such as how to earn money on the server or a guide to server commands.