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Name | Applies to | Group | Type | Levels | Description |
soulstrike | Weapons | LEGENDARY | ATTACK_MOB | 1 | Deal more damage the more souls have on you |
easter | Boots | LEGENDARY | EFFECT_STATIC | 1 | Lets you jump higher the more easter eggs you collect. |
trench | Pickaxes, Shovels | COMMON | MINING | 1 | Breaks in upto 3x3 area. |
criticalhit | Weapons | RARE | ATTACK | 3 | Each hit has a chance to deal double damage! |
wheatplanter | Hoes | RARE | RIGHT_CLICK | 1 | Plant wheat seeds in a 3x3 area by right-clicking on farmland. |
potatoplanter | Hoes | RARE | RIGHT_CLICK | 1 | Plant potato seeds in a 3x3 area by right-clicking on farmland. |
carrotplanter | Hoes | RARE | RIGHT_CLICK | 1 | Plant carrot seeds in a 3x3 area by right-clicking on farmland. |
beetrootplanter | Hoes | RARE | RIGHT_CLICK | 1 | Plant beetroot seeds in a 3x3 area by right-clicking on farmland. |
netherwartplanter | Hoes | RARE | RIGHT_CLICK | 1 | Plant netherwart seeds in a 3x3 area by right-clicking on farmland. |
replanter | Hoes | LEGENDARY | MINING | 1 | Replants crops when you break them. |
strike | Swords, Bow, Crossbow, Trident | COMMON | ATTACK;ATTACK_MOB;SHOOT;SHOOT_MOB | 3 | Chance to strike lightning at the opponent. |
impact | Trident | RARE | SHOOT;SHOOT_MOB | 3 | Chance to double dealt damage. |
aquatic | Helmets | LEGENDARY | EFFECT_STATIC | 1 | Breathe underwater. |
smelting | Pickaxes, Shovels | RARE | MINING | 1 | smelt mined blocks. |
experience | Tools | COMMON | MINING | 3 | Chance to get more experience from ores. |
hasten | Tools | RARE | MINING | 3 | Chance to gain Haste after breaking blocks. |
nightvision | Helmet | RARE | EFFECT_STATIC | 1 | Gives permanent night vision. |
reflect | Armor | LEGENDARY | DEFENSE;DEFENSE_MOB | 3 | Absorb enemy damage and reflect it back. |
ward | Armor | RARE | DEFENSE;DEFENSE_MOB | 3 | A chance to absorb enemy damage. |
explosive | Bow | RARE | SHOOT;SHOOT_MOB | 3 | Chance for arrows to explode. |
veinminer | Pickaxes | LEGENDARY | MINING | 1 | Mine entire vein of ores |
telepathy | Tools | RARE | MINING | 1 | Automatically places blocks broken by tools in your inventory. |
enderslayer | Weapons | COMMON | ATTACK_MOB | 3 | Increases damage dealt to Enderman and Ender dragons. |
deathpunch | Swords, Axes | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 3 | Increases damage dealt to Zombies. |
bonecrusher | Swords, Axes | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 3 | Increases damage dealt to Skeletons. |
immolate | Swords, Axes | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 3 | Increases damage dealt to Spiders. |
slayer | Swords, Axes | COMMON | ATTACK_MOB | 3 | Increases damage dealt to Passive Mobs. |
hunter | Bow, Crossbow, Trident | COMMON | SHOOT_MOB | 3 | Increases damage dealt to Passive Mobs. |
hook | Fishing Rod | RARE | CATCH_FISH | 3 | Get more exp from fishing. |
bait | Fishing Rod | LEGENDARY | CATCH_FISH | 3 | Chance to receive double fishing drops. |
lucky | Fishing Rod | LEGENDARY | RIGHT_CLICK | 3 | Chance to increase luck while fishing. |
netherslayer | Weapons | COMMON | ATTACK_MOB | 3 | Increases damage dealt to nether mobs. |
reforged | Weapons and tools | LEGENDARY | ATTACK_MOB;MINING | 10 | Protects weapons and tools durability, items will be take longer to break. |
springs | Boots | COMMON | EFFECT_STATIC | 3 | Gives jump boost. |
shockwave | Chestplates | RARE | DEFENSE;DEFENSE_MOB | 3 | Chance to push back your attacker when your health is low. |
momentum | Elytra | COMMON | RIGHT_CLICK | 3 | Chance to gain speed boost with fireworks. |
reinforced | Elytra | RARE | DEFENSE;DEFENSE_MOB;DEFENSE_PROJECTILE | 5 | Reduces damage dealt to you. |
devour | Weapons | LEGENDARY | KILL_MOB | 1-3 | Chance to restore food while killing mobs. |
hellfire | Bow | RARE | SHOOT;SHOOT_MOB | 1-3 | Arrows turn into fireballs. |
rebound | Weapons | LEGENDARY | KILL_PLAYER;KILL_MOB | 1-3 | Gain some health back after kills. |
netherling | Swords | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 1-3 | Double damage to mobs in Nether. |
endmaster | Swords | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 1-3 | More damage to mobs in End. |
convulse | Boots | RARE | DEFENSE;DEFENSE_MOB | 1-5 | Chance to throw your attackers into the air. |
barbarian | Axes | LEGENDARY | ATTACK;ATTACK_MOB | 1-5 | Chance to inflicts more axe damage. |
immolation | Swords | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 1-3 | Set all mobs in radius on fire. |
killaura | Swords | LEGENDARY | ATTACK_MOB | 1-5 | Chance to kill multiple monsters in radius. |
inquisitive | Swords | RARE | KILL_MOB | 1-5 | Chance to increase EXP drops from mobs. |
lifesteal | Swords | LEGENDARY | ATTACK;ATTACK_MOB | 1-5 | A chance to steal health when attacking. |
overload | Armor | LEGENDARY | EFFECT_STATIC | 1-3 | Unlocks additional hearts. |
sniper | Bow | LEGENDARY | SHOOT;SHOOT_MOB | 1-5 | Headshots with bows deal double damage. |
soulbound | Weapons + Tools + Bows + Armor | LEGENDARY | DEATH;PASSIVE_DEATH | 1 | Keeps item on death. |
phoenix | Chestplates | LEGENDARY | DEATH | 1-3 | Chance to revive yourself when killed. |
plummet | Boots | RARE | FALL_DAMAGE | 1-3 | Deal damage to nearby mobs when taking fall damage. |
nightowl | Swords | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 1-3 | Deal more damage to mobs at night. |
nightwalker | Swords | RARE | ATTACK_MOB | 1-3 | Freeze mobs at night. |
slingshot | Elytra | LEGENDARY | RIGHT_CLICK | 1 | Boost yourself into flight by right-clicking. |
diploid | Swords | RARE | KILL_MOB | 1-5 | Chance to multiply mob drops. |
multiplication | Pickaxe | LEGENDARY | MINING | 1-5 | Chance to multiply ore drops. |